Pepys buried a Parmesan
During the Great Fire
But what would you elect to save
From Fate’s Capricious Ire?
Rosetti buried poetry;
Dean Swift? A Houyhnhnm!
Dylan Thomas, twenty pints of beer
Full up to the brim!
The Pharoahs buried wives and slaves
And cats and grain and gold;
The wary bury diaries full of tales
Not to be told.
A pirate buries treasure;
A squirrel buries nuts;
Speculators bury surpluses
To see them through the gluts.
What should you save by burying?
A book? Some wine? A glove?
Your passport, or a locket
Of the one you truly love?
Some hair from your first baby?
Your old dad’s broken pipe?
The clutter of a lifetime,
Or your life until it’s ripe?
And what does Boris Johnson love,
He buries and he saves?
Why! 50,000 citizens
Now buried in their graves.