Plague Songs - Look on the Bright Side / by Rich Hobbs

Then we chorused to the virus

    As it stepped towards the door

“But at least you’ve changed the World!”

    And someone cheered.

All the virus did was eye us

    And as it spat upon the floor

What it had instead of lips curled

    And it sneered.

“But everything is different now!

    Nothing can be the same!

It’s the time to change our ways!

    Everyone cried.

The virus creased its many brows;

    Drawled: “Didn’t catch you names.

Though frankly I’m amazed

    You’ve not all died.”

We shuffled slightly nervously.

    With an embarrassed laugh

Someone said “We baked some bread!”

    And then they coughed.

Hissed the virus: “Heard of Malthus? He

    Could show you all a graph

To prove you’re best off dead.

    Now just fuck off.”

“But virus!” we all cried at once,

    “At least you’ve made us pause

Our ecocide!” It roared loud

     “Christ! Stop whining!

You’re just my scoff, you stupid cunts!”

    And left. Through our applause

Some of us thought, can shrouds

    Have silver linings?