Plague Songs - Banarnia! / by Rich Hobbs

Come on, chaps! Let’s rename this land Banarnia!

Just one wardrobe away to that lamp post!

    What the snow hides is obscene

    In the Realm of the White Queen

That magic country ruled by dreams of ghosts

Push past those mothy costumes to Banarnia,

Frost glistens on the statues every night!

    Intellectual callisthenics

    Disguise our lords’ eugenics

As they chomp Arbeit Mach Frei’s Turkish Delight

Just click your heels three times - you’re in Banarnia!

Flying monkeys fill the skies, and no one’s certain

    Which one of these is pervier:

    Bananas getting curvier

Or wizards fiddling behind the curtain

Mists roll away and there it is - Banarnia

So historic its past just keeps getting pastier!

    Our weak sun is getting shinier

    As everyone gets whinier,

And moanier and bonier and nastier!

Crashlanding in Tibet? You’ll find Banarnia!

That long lost valley of eternal youth

    Where nobody grows old

    In our care homes, so I’m told

Our secret being, never tell the truth. 

Climb that magic beanstalk to Banarnia!

Where giants stand on stooping midget’s shoulders,

    The golden goose’s eggs are guano,

    And we drink Americanos

While everything around us slowly moulders

Fall down the rabbit hole, next stop’s Banarnia!

Once we were big, and now we’re very small

    But because we once fought Hitler

    We can’t see we’re getting littler,

Cards and jokers tell us we’re so tall

Jump through the looking glass - you’re in Banarnia!

That crazy place where all is back to front!

    And you can make up your own truth

    Lynch the wimps demanding proof

Stirred by a farting walrus’s each grunt!

The blue birds sing, there’ll always be Banarnia!

Where we’re sat on our big fat white bums

    Thinking we’re Queen Titania!

    So fuck off, Michel Barnier!

Banarnia! Where Christmas never comes!