Plague Songs - Dancing with Death in Zurich / by Rich Hobbs

For Nyta, in loving memory

Yesterday, two years ago

When I kissed you goodbye

    You said

    “See you”

Then laughed and said, “Oh, but I won’t!”

You’d play us all, by then.

We’d done just what you wanted

    But I’d

    Not seen

Anyone who’d wanted something more.

I left to catch my flight,

My one regret: me leaving


    You did.

My fellow stooges went the final mile.

These days Death’s date-raping

A trail through every dance hall.

    Back then

    You stood

And took Death’s proffered boney hand,

You kicked away the wheel chair,

Shrugged away the M.S.

    And danced

    For joy

Held close, dancing cheek to cheekbone

Under the scorching mountains

Gavotting out of life

    You danced


Silhouetted by the lake

While we co-conspirators 

Hugged the wall like schoolkids

    At the


Too embarrassed and appalled to move.

And I still don’t know if

It’s the best or worst thing

    I’ve done

    Or both.

All that I know for sure is this:

Yesterday, two years ago,

I laughed too, and answered

    “Bon voyage!”


Hallmarks should sell cards for just such things.