Plague Songs - 7th September / by Rich Hobbs

The trees rose in solidarity

    Refusing to be felled

But when news of this atrocity

    Reached those gold towers in which dwelled

The avaricious psychopaths,

    A small one of whose capers

Is to print lies about those they hate

    In their various papers

On sheets of extruded woodpulp

    They flew into a rage

And told the fascist lackeys that they hired

    To fill each page

With coruscating columns

    Denouncing those sick trees

And likening the wooden scum

    To traitors and disease

And calling on their readers

    To fight back! Take back control!

Chop down those commie trees and burn

    The bastards to charcoal!

Lay waste the whole damn planet!

    Purge it of each blade of grass

Guaranteeing that sweet freedom

    To talk out of your arse

Insisting all their prejudices

    Are Talking Truth To Power

When really it just helps pay for

    A taller golden tower.

But still the trees refused to budge

    Beyond some sacrifice

To fall to block printing works exit

    Routes, to be precise.

So the avaricious psychopaths

    Ordered their hireling hacks

To open a new front by writing

    Withering attacks

On every other type or kind of known 

    Printed material

Which, the hacks lamented, could spread     

    Diseases venereal

Sure to infect your kiddies, drive you mad

    Then kill you dead

“SO FOLKS!” they yowled, “SEND ALL THOSE


They stripped bare every bookshelf,

    Pillaged every library

To acquire more printed matter, 

    Through threats, blackmail and bribery,

And then pulped all written records

    Recording deed and name

To get out the next edition, headlined


The trees just shrugged and shed their leaves

    Now turned a pleasing yellow.


    The hacks and lackeys bellow.

But when they’d used up all the books

    (Not an infinite resource)

There was nothing left to print on,

    Which also meant, of course,

There wasn’t even toilet paper

    For wiping off the shit

From the avaricious psycho’s arseholes,

    Then publishing it.

They stuffed their mouths with bearer bonds

    And thousand dollar bills

And whined “Writing was invented,

    As were ink and even quills,

So that avaricious psychopaths in 

    Gold towers can tell lies

About the weak and powerless, 

    And then praise to the skies

Our client politicians and print trash 

    About “D” listers

And columns by such massive wankers

    Their hands are pocked with blisters,

To help tease out our nation’s Id,

    Promoting fascist trash 

In order to spread hatred through

    The People, like a rash,

Dressed up in patriotic drag -

    Flag and Hope and Glory -

To furnish our gold towers 

    With a further Golden Storey!

Attack any tiny part of that, and 


Then again, you have to wonder

    Who chooses to freshen

Their stinking breathe with more shit

    After each shit-eating session.