Plague Songs - Bigger Bastilles / by Rich Hobbs

FREEDOM! For which we all must yearn!

    Although it seems we need to learn

What Freedom is, what Freedom means

    To separate us from machines.

Though life’s a bitch, and getting bitchier

    As the richest rich get richier

Our politicians grow more feudal;

    Their cops, to bend our knees, more brutal;

Society gets more unequal -

    Even our shit’s become more faecal! - 

To fight against the Nanny State

    Demands that everyone relate

(Say columns by Fifth Colunists,

    Tossed off by their aching wrists)

To FREEDOM - to do just as you please,

    Be a racist, spread disease,

Defeat The Woke, catch the Zeitgeist,

    Divert attention from the heist,

Defy the lockdown, go to raves,

    While cops protect you from your slaves,

And scream and whine and howl and blow

    Your lord to save the status quo,

To smash the state but save the realm,

    While lashing fascists to its helm,

Free rohypnoling on the pull,

    Free to keep the prisons full,

Freedom not to tax the banks,

    Or disinvest from building tanks,

Mocking thoughts of a better way,

     While securing the getaway,

And free to order in the bailiff -

    Why Freedom’s struggle aught availeth! -

Drink Freedom til you get cirrhosis!

    Because Freedom’s Apotheosis -

It’s just like in Fidelio,

    Like shooting capercaillie! Oh,



Some say this makes me look suspicious,

But couldn’t they be more... ambitious

In their Liberation Struggle?

Because I think they’ll find the rug’ll

Be pulled while they’re clicking their heels

When others storm bigger Bastilles.